Friday, April 20, 2007

Comment on required blog 2

While searching for some post that interested me on the required blogs, I came across "Blogging In Public Health" on Diva Marketing Blog. This post describes the benefits of introducing social media in the form of blogging to public health. Here is the list that bulleted those benefits.

10 Benefits of A Social Media / Blogging Initiative
  1. Tell stories from the heart
  2. Humanizes a complex agency
  3. Tell your story in your voice/s – no media filter
  4. Create relationship with millions of people
  5. More people hear your story – search engines, viral marketing
  6. Many voices help tell your story – bloggers linking
  7. Tell your story when you want – instant, easy publishing [audio (podcast), video (vlog)]
  8. Feedback and conversation – increased value and additional information
  9. Online information travels offline
  10. Mainstream media is turning to blogs for story ideas
From this post, I would be more prone to utilize blogs in my daily life. In situations such as this, I see the value of the autonomy and guidance blogging can provide. Especially on health websites holding discussion boards and or blogs, I feel that the benefits of connectivity are much stronger in these situations. Thanks... :)

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