Sunday, May 20, 2007

Commet on required blog 3

I really find it hard to relate to many of the required blogs, especially those focused on technology and IT. However, I find that the Diva Marketing Blog, as it is obviously geared to its female viewers and participants, the material discussed is more in tune with my interests. The post on May 16, 2007, "AMA's Proposed New Definition Of Marketing" struck my interest, mainly because of my almost completed degree in marketing!!
As the post shows the original definition vs. the new proposed definition of marketing, many as well as myself find it very wordy. I also agree that being so in depth, doesn't leave much room for creativity and straying away from this definition.

1 comment:

Toby said...

Nicole - thanks for your kind words about Diva! Will be interesting to see what AMA does come out with as its official definition of marketing.

Speaking of women in marketing, you might enjoy this excellent interview with Michele Miller of Wonder Brand. Michele is one of the notables of marketing to women.